Monday, 6 May 2013

T13 -- Farm Mechanization

Farm Mechanization means utilizing machinery to replace manual tools, power machinery and electrical energy to replace manual and animal works.

On 15 December, 1975, to reflect the Farm Mechanization effort and standard in China, a set of five stamps depicting agriculture was issued.

(5-1) 8 fen, Ploughing the paddy field  水田旋耕
(5-2) 8 fen, Mechanized transplantation  机械插秧
(5-3) 8 fen, Powered drainage and irrigation  动力排灌
(5-4) 8 fen, Cotten Protection  棉田防治
(5-5) 8 fen, Mechanized harvesting  机械收割 

(5-1)【Ploughing the paddy field】The stamp depicts typical ploughing of the paddy field with a Chinese-made walking tractor in Southern China.  The walking tractor stirs and pulverizes the soil before planting, so as to aerate the soil and prepare a smooth, loose seedbed.

(5-2)【Mechanized transplantation】The stamp depicts commune members using a Chinese-made machine transplanting rice in the paddy field.
(5-3)【Powered drainage and irrigation】The stamp depicts a farmer using a home made irrigation pump irrigating his field.

(5-4)【Cotten Protection】The stamp depicts a women spraying pesticide on the cotton field with a home-made motorized sprayer.

(5-5)【Mechanized harvesting】The stamp depicts the farmer harvesting his field with a home made combine harveter.

T13 – Farm Mechanization  农业机械化
Issue Date: 1975.12.15
Serial Number:T13
Scott No.:1250-1254
Michel No.: 
Number of stamps in Set:5
Denomination:8 fen for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Quantity of Issue:7,000,000 for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Perforation:P11 X 11½
Sheet Composition:50 (5 X 10) for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Size of stamps:40 X 30 mm for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Designer:Pan Keming  潘可明
Printing Process:Photogravure
Printing House:Beijing Postage Stamp Printing Works

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