Sunday, 14 July 2013

T22 - Buiding Dazhai-type counties throughout the country

During the Cultural Revolutionary era, the criticizing campaign (大批判活动) was held.  There are a few sets of stamps on this theme.  The set (T8) was known as "big critcize" (大批), the set (T14) was also known as "small critcize" (小批), while this set T22 was known as "peasant critcize" (农批).

T22 was also the last set of stamp on criticizing campaign, symbolizing the end of the Cultural Revolutionary era.

On the other hand, T22 was the first set of stamps depicting four seasons in the stamp design, i.e. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

In 1975, the slogan building Daizhai-type counties throughout the country was proposed in the national congress of learning from Dazhai in agriculture.  To coordinate with the movement, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of PRC released a set of four stamps on April 9, 1977.

(4-1) 8 fen, The revolutionized county party committee  革命化的县委
(4-2) 8 fen, A scene of prosperity  欣欣向荣
(4-3) 8 fen, Celebrating the bumper harvest  战“四害”庆丰收
(4-4) 8 fen, Work hard for the course of socialism  大干社会主义


(4-1)【The revolutionized county party committee】Spring: The stamp showed the county party committee carrying shovel, newspaper and a red banner showing "In Agriculture, learn from Dazhai" (农业学大寨), going to rural mountainous region, leading the peasants from the frontline building Dazhai-type county.   Background of the stamp showed terraced fields.

(4-2)【A scene of prosperity】Summer: The stamp showed three mechanized machines transplanting rice in a paddy field.  The slogan "In Agriculture, learn from Dazhai" (农业学大寨) was displayed on the mountainside.   In the far background on the right, the irrigation canal (Red Flag Canal) showed the location of the stamp was Linxian (林县).

(4-3)【Celebrating the bumper harvest】Autumn: The stamp showed a bumper harvest.  A criticizing campaign bulletin board was set up near the harvesting field, where the peasants could look at the bulletins during harvesting breaks.  Top of the criticizing bulletin board showed “大批修正主义、大批资本主义、大干社会主义” meaning "Criticize Revisionism, Criticize Capitalism, Go all out for Socialism".  Center of the bulletin board showed "狠批四人帮” meaning "Criticize the Gang of Four".

(4-4)【Work hard for the course of socialism】Winter: The stamp showed the hardworking peasants still hard at work in winter.  The are building the infrastructures such as digging irrigation canals through the mountainside, creating more fields for agriculture, etc.

T22 – Building Dazhai-type counties throughout the country  普及大寨县
Issue Date: 1977.4.9
Serial Number:T22
Scott Number:1329-1332
Michel Number:1339-1342
Number of stamps in Set:4
Denomination:8 fen for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4
Quantity of Issue:8,000,000 for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4
Perforation:P11 X 11½
Sheet Composition:50 (5 X 10) for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4
Size of stamps:40 X 30 mm for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4
Designer:Wan Weisheng 万维生
Printing Process:Photogravure
Printing House:Beijing Postage Stamp Printing Works

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