Sunday, 21 July 2013

T24 - Weather

There were only 72 weather stations with broken equipment when the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.  Until 1957, the number of weather stations in the country increased to 1647 and the National Basic Weather Network was formed. 

After 1958, in order to satisfy the need of agriculture, the weather station net was built across respective administration districts.  Weather station was used to observe weather at first and then later added the function of predicting weather to serve the industrial and agricultural sectors.

By the end of 1965, there were 2383 weather stations in the country.  After 1971, more development occurred as a lot of weather radar detecting stations and weather planet nephogram receiving terminals were established. 

To reflect these achievements and progresses, a set of five stamps depicting weather observation, prediction, new weather technology and equipment was issued on April 25, 1978.

(5-1) 8 fen,  Radiosonde 气球探空
(5-2) 8 fen, Weather radar 气象雷达
(5-3) 8 fen, Weather forecasting 天气预报
(5-4) 8 fen, Weather posts and groups 气象哨组
(5-5) 8 fen, Hail suppression 人工消雹

(5-1)【Radiosonde】The stamp depicted the scene outside a weather station in Tibet, with the Tibetan Plateau in the background.  Two operators are releasing a radiosonde, i.e., a weather balloon which will measure various atmospheric parameters and transmits them to a fixed receiver.  Stevenson screen and anemometer are showed on the left side of the stamp.

(5-2)【Weather radar】The stamp depicted a weather radar on a mountain by the sea.  Weather radar is a type of radar used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, and estimate its type (rain, snow, hail etc.).  The data collected can be analyzed to determine the structure of storms and their potential to cause severe weather.  This enables accurate and timely prediction of weather.

(5-3)【Weather forecasting】The stamp depicted the weather forecasting room in a weather station.  One operator is reading out data from the weather chart, while another operator enters the data into the computer running the weather forecasting module. 

(5-4)【Weather posts and groups】Weather posts and groups are unique in weather forecasting in China. It make use of the vast experience of the people in observing the sky and weather patterns.  The stamp showed an old farmer, a female technician and a member of the Young Pioneers of China (中国少年先锋队) looking at the cloud and predicting the weather.  Background of the stamp showed terraced fields.

(5-5)【Hail suppression】 Hail suppression is for the purpose of reducing the damaging effects of hailstorms by modifying the characteristics of the hail-producing cloud.  The currently prevailing hypothesis is that silver iodide seeding provides more hailstone nuclei (and, at the same time, reduces the amount of supercooled water available to build up large hailstones) with the net effect that the hail that reaches the ground is smaller and less damaging, and also has a high probability of melting before reaching the ground.  The stamp showed shooting of silver iodide to the cloud.

T24 – Weather  气象
Issue Date: 1978.4.25
Serial Number:T24
Scott Number:1384-1388
Michel Number:1394-1398
Number of stamps in Set:5
Denomination:8 fen for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Quantity of Issue:15,000,000 for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Perforation:P11 X 11½
Sheet Composition:50 (5 X 10) for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Size of stamps:40 X 30 mm for stamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Designer:Pan Keming 潘可明
Printing Process:Photogravure
Printing House:Beijing Postage Stamp Printing Works

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